Iranian FM Censures UNSC’s Inability to Stop Israeli Aggression on Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian denounced the continued inability of the United Nations Security Council to stop the war against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Amirabdollahian noted that the Security Council’s failure to put an end to the genocidal war on Gaza was due to the US's prevention of the council's effective actions through excessive resort to the right of veto.

He made the remarks in a letter addressed to United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the head of the UN Security Council, the secretary general of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) as well as the foreign ministers of Islamic countries and other states across the world.

Pointing to the months-long Israeli war on Gaza, the top Iranian diplomat called for “serious measures” to help people in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

He asserted that, “With the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, it is absolutely necessary for the international community to find practical ways and take serious measures to support the Palestinian people, immediately stop the military attacks against the Gaza Strip and find a way out of the current dire situation.”

The Iranian foreign minister also underlined that the Israel regime “deliberately” pursues the policy of the complete destruction of Gaza by imposing a total siege on the Palestinian territory.

Israel began the genocidal war on October 7, 2023, after Hamas-led Palestinian resistance groups carried out Operation al-Aqsa Storm against the usurping entity in retaliation for its intensified atrocities against the Palestinian people.

Since then, the regime has at least 31,184 Palestinians and injured some 72,889 others.

The regime has also imposed a “complete siege” on the territory, cutting off fuel, electricity, food and water to the Palestinians living there.

“The persistence of genocide in the Gaza Strip and Rafah and war crimes in the West Bank, in addition to the Israeli regime's prevention of the delivery of aid and food to the Gaza Strip and the regime's use of starving the residents of Gaza with the aim of prolonging the genocide and the massacre of women and children, has sounded the alarm of the most unprecedented human disaster of the century,” he added.

“It is now evident that one of the dangerous goals pursued by the Israeli regime with respect to Gaza siege and blocking of immediate humanitarian aid is to create conditions for a social and civil collapse, destroy all signs of Palestinian life and identity, and forcibly relocate the residents of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank to neighboring countries,” Amirabdollahian said.

“This approach proves that this criminal regime deliberately pursues the policy of complete destruction of the Palestinian nation and identity.”

Amirabdollahian expressed the Islamic Republic’s strong condemnation of Israeli crimes in Gaza and the West Bank, stressing that the international community and world bodies, particularly the United Nations, shoulder an immediate responsibility to prevent such a disaster by the occupying regime, Press TV reported.

“On the first day of the holy month of Ramadan, I warned about the blatant genocide of a nation, reiterating the need to take effective measures in order to prevent the occupying regime of Israel from any further possible aggression in al-Quds and against Palestinian worshipers during the sacred month,” Amirabdollahian concluded.

The holy fasting month of Ramadan started in the Gaza Strip on Monday. The territory, with a population of approximately 2.4 million, has been under the occupying regime’s incessant bombardment for more than five months.

Israel had rejected multiple calls from the international community, organizations and rights groups for a humanitarian truce to take effect before the holy Muslim month.