Iran Voices Concern on Ecuador Raid on Mexico Embassy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran expressed concern about the news of Ecuador’s security forces storming the Mexican embassy in Quito.

In a statement on Sunday, Nasser Kanaani described as worrying the reports that Ecuadorian forces have stormed the Mexican embassy in Quito to arrest a controversial politician who had been granted political asylum there.

The Iranian spokesman stressed the need to respect the immunity and ensure the security and safety of diplomatic and consular sites and missions.

Reminding the host government of its responsibility to protect the immunity and security of diplomatic and consular missions, Kanaani called on Ecuador and Mexico to opt for dialogue to resolve differences.

During the incident, which took place late on Friday night, special forces equipped with a battering ram surrounded the Mexican embassy in Quito, and at least one agent scaled the walls to extract Ecuador’s former Vice President Jorge Glas.

The 54-year-old politician is wanted on corruption charges and has been holed up inside the Mexican embassy since seeking political asylum in December.

Mexican authorities granted that request on Friday.