Iran, UN Discuss Syria’s Problems

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A senior adviser to the Iranian foreign minister for special political affairs and the UN Special Envoy for Syria held talks on the latest developments in the Arab country and the collective efforts for the settlement of Syria’s problems.

In a videoconference on Tuesday, Ali Asghar Khaji and Geir O. Pedersen talked about the latest developments in Syria.

They weighed plans to improve the humanitarian situation in Syria, fight against terrorism, and continue the political processes in the Arab country.

Expressing concern about the humanitarian crisis in Syria, Khaji said the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Palestine as well as the continuous Israeli aggression against Syria and Lebanon have plunged all regional equations into crisis and damaged the progress of developments in Syria.

Addressing a UN Security Council meeting on April 25, Pedersen called for a new and comprehensive approach to address Syria’s political and humanitarian challenges.

The new approach “would need to fully engage all critical stakeholders -this includes the Syrian parties and the international actors in the Astana format, the Arab Contact Group, the Western Quad and this Council,” Pedersen said.

Presenting monthly updates to the 15-member body, he pointed out that Syria is becoming “a sort of free-for-all space for settling scores”, citing the “dangerous and escalatory spiral” of recent events, such as the Israeli airstrike on Iran’s diplomatic mission in Damascus.

Calling for regional de-escalation starting with an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, he urged all players to exercise maximum restraint and respect international law.