Chad Votes for President after Three Years of Military Rule

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chadians go to the polls on Monday after three years of military rule following the death of long-time ruler Idriss Deby, the first presidential election in Africa's Sahel region since a wave of coups.

Mahamat Idriss Deby has been serving as transitional president since taking power after his father Idriss Deby, who ruled Chad for 30 years, was killed in battle in April 2021, France 24 reported.

Deby has promised to bolster security, strengthen the rule of law and increase electricity production. But his chief opponent has been drawing larger-than-expected crowds on the campaign trail.

The vote coincides with a temporary withdrawal of US troops from Chad, an important Western ally in a region of West and Central Africa.

Polls open at 7am and close at 5pm, with some 8.5 million people registered to vote. Soldiers began early voting on Sunday.

Provisional results are expected by May 21 and final results by June 5. If no candidate wins more than 50% of the votes, a run-off will be held on June 22.

Since replacing his father at the helm of the oil-producing Central African country, Deby has remained close with former colonial power and longtime ally France.

The US, however, announced a temporary withdrawal of at least some troops last month, saying it would continue with a review of security operations after the election.

Some opposition members and civil society groups have called for a boycott, citing concerns about possible vote-rigging. That has raised fears of potential violence.