Regional Peace Hinges on Nuclear Disarmament of Israel: Iran’s FM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – To establish complete peace, stability, and full security in West Asia, it is necessary to end the Zionist regime’s occupation of Palestine and disarm its nuclear arsenal, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said.

The third meeting of the ‘Iranian-Arab Dialogues for Cooperation and Interaction’ was held in Tehran on Sunday under the auspices of Iran’s Strategic Council on Foreign Relations.

Amirabdollahian delivered a speech to the event.

In a post on his X account, the top diplomat said he has emphasized that “we have moved beyond Iran-Arab talks to regional dialogues and, furthermore, to regional cooperation.”

“I highlighted the effectiveness of elite gatherings and scholarly discussions in the region in dispelling incorrect and baseless perceptions about each other,” Amirabdollahian said.

“I affirmed Iran's commitment to enhancing and deepening the understanding and empathy among the countries of the region, noting that the government's definitive approach towards magnifying the good neighborliness policy underscores this essential point,” he added.

“I referenced the strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran centered on sustainable development and security, convergence, and regional cooperation. I stated the necessity of ending the occupation and disarming the nuclear arsenal of the Zionist regime to fully achieve comprehensive peace, stability, and security in West Asia,” the foreign minister noted.

Pointing to his exclusive interview about the relations between Iran and Egypt, Amirabdollahian said, “In line with the agreement between the presidents of Iran and Egypt, we are engaging in forward-looking negotiations with Sameh Shoukry to enhance relations between Cairo and Tehran. We have made joint strides and will continue on this right path together. A strategic perspective on regional dialogue and cooperation spans a broad spectrum in the Islamic and Arab worlds, including Egypt."