Egyptian Riot Police Cordon off Journalists' Union in Cairo

Egyptian Riot Police Cordon off Journalists' Union in Cairo

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Egyptian riot police cordoned off the journalists' union in downtown Cairo on Wednesday and limited access to the building.

The move comes as dozens of journalists rallied outside the union headquarters Wednesday, demanding Interior Minister Magdy Abdel-Ghaffar's dismissal, and ahead of a planned meeting about a recent police raid and arrest of two journalists.

The two were arrested over allegations they called for anti-government protests over Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi's controversial decision to transfer two Red Sea islands to Saudi Arabia.

Similar blockades at the union headquarters have been imposed intermittently since April 25, when security forces carried out sweeping arrests of hundreds of activists to stifle demonstrations against on the two islands, according to AP.

On Sunday night, police stormed the union building to arrest two journalists who held a sit-in inside the premises.

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