Trump Not to Honor JCPOA If Elected US President: Activist

Trump Not to Honor JCPOA If Elected US President: Activist

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An American political activist says presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will turn against a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers if elected president of the United States.

"He (Trump) has stated a number of times that the nuclear deal (also known as the JCPOA) is bad for the US. Personally, I think the deal doesn't do enough for Iran. I believe that your country should have nuclear power technology and should have been able to have it decades ago. I think Trump will try and scrap the deal or try to put additional restrictions on it," John Ubele told the Tasnim News Agency.

Following is the text of his interview: 

Q: What is your prediction for the outcome of the 2016 US presidential election? Who will win the race? Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

A: I believe Donald Trump will beat Hillary Clinton in the general election. Clinton is very unpopular here despite the majority of the mass media outlets giving her favorable publicity, and in many cases protecting her by not talking about her past scandals. Clinton does enjoy the support of a number of Jewish billionaires too, but I believe Trump will beat her in the general election despite these things.

If I can make a prediction, I would say that Trump will win the general election with at least 55% of the vote.

Donald Trump has been a popular celebrity here since the mid-1980s. He knows a lot of influential people and a lot of people know him. Despite his antics he has a great deal of influence and charisma. These two things translate into his ability to garner a lot of support. That is how he was able to win his party's nomination. Also his positions on immigration and the economy are very popular right now, especially because of the high unemployment rate. There are some estimates that the true unemployment rate is over 40% in this country. I myself am a victim of the US economy so I can say this from personal experience.

Q: How much do you think the Zionist lobby in the US can affect the outcome of the vote?

A: I could spend several hours or even days explaining this. The short answer is that there is no other movement or group in this country which is better organized and funded than the Israel Lobby. This includes AIPAC and the many dozens of pro-Jewish and Zionist organizations which support AIPAC's mission. Which ultimately is the continued support and funding of Israel by the US government. Because of the resources of these Jewish organizations and lobby groups, they are able to dominate the government's policies at the federal level, and also at the state level.

One organization which is rarely reported on, but certainly should be is Freemasonry. This shadowy group often works behind the scenes to secure and further Jewish and Zionist interests in this country and around the world. Of course Freemasonry (Freemasons/Masons) are global in their reach and influence. They have lodges all over the world, but over half of the world's Masons live in the US. A very high number of US politicians including presidents have been and are Freemasons.

Q: What’s your take on Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and his campaign?

A: Sanders portrays himself as a Socialist, but I believe he's a Communist. He has made some statements about supporting Palestinian statehood, but I wouldn't trust him on that. When he was younger he worked for a few months on a Kibbutz in Israel.

Also as everyone knows he is Jewish. So I believe his first allegiance will be to Israeli Jews, not the Palestinians. The media here is a big part of how Sanders has been able to get so much support from the youth. The media has given him good publicity overall. Of course Sanders has talked a great deal about college student loan forgiveness. So this has great appeal among the youth who have student loan debt. A few weeks ago I read a statistic which said that the average student's loan debt is around $37,000.00. Most of the graduates who finish their degrees are not able to find employment in the degree they graduated with.

I believe that many of the Sanders supporters will end up voting for Trump in the general election because Trump is saying the next best thing to the youth. Which is that he wants to give them jobs. If they had jobs they'd be able to pay their student loan debt which would end harassment from the collection agencies trying to recover the student loan debts.

Q: Filings released by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) showed that Clinton had $42.5 million in cash at the beginning of June, 32 times larger than Trump’s $1.3 million cash reserve. Why?

A: Hillary Clinton enjoys the support of a number of billionaire Jews living inside and outside of the US. I imagine that George Soros will be a heavy contributor to her campaign by way of political action committees. I could see her ending up raising three or four times the amount of money Trump will. I don't believe this will be enough though for her to win unless Clinton's supporters are able to conduct massive voter machine fraud around the country. 

Q: Tehran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) on July 14, 2015 finalized a comprehensive deal on Tehran’s nuclear program and implemented it on January 16. Do you think Trump will maintain the agreement if elected?

A: He has stated a number of times that the nuclear deal (JCPOA) is bad for the US. Personally, I think the deal doesn't do enough for Iran. I believe that your country should have nuclear power technology and should have been able to have it decades ago. I think Trump will try and scrap the deal or try to put additional restrictions on it.

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