JCPOA Durability Hinges on Other Side’s Full Implementation: Salehi

JCPOA Durability Hinges on Other Side’s Full Implementation: Salehi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi said anti-Tehran sanctions have not yet been fully lifted off despite Iran's full compliance with the terms of the JCPOA, warning that the deal could be jeopardized by foot-dragging on sanctions relief.

The deal’s “durability” depended on the other side’s “reciprocal and full implementation”, Salehi said in the 60th Regular Session of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) General Conference in Vienna on Monday, AP reported.

“Comprehensive and expeditious removal of all sanctions” outlined in the agreement “have yet to be met,” even though Iran is honoring all its obligations under the pact, he added.

In response, however, US Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said, “We have carried out fully our responsibilities beyond the letter of the agreement.”

He told reporters on the sidelines of the UN nuclear meeting.

“But the international banking system, international business enterprises, are going to have to not only have clarity on where the lines are drawn on the sanctions but they’re going to have to have more business confidence, if you like, which is going to take obviously more time than Iran would like to see.”

While the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action- a lasting nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers- came into force in January, some Iranian officials have complained about the US failure to fully implement the accord.

Back in March, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei said Americans have yet to fulfill what they were supposed to do as per the nuclear deal.

Iran still has problems in its banking transactions or in restoring its frozen assets, because Western countries and those involved in such processes are afraid of Americans, the Leader said at the time, criticizing the US for its moves to prevent Iran from taking advantage of the sanctions removal.

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