US Seeking to Portray Iran as Main Global Threat: Official

US Seeking to Portray Iran as Main Global Threat: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Political Deputy of Iran’s Presidential Office Hamid Aboutalebi censured recent anti-Tehran comments by some US officials and said Washington is trying to depict the Islamic Republic as a major global threat.

“The US and countries that are weak and isolated try to bring Iran back to the top of the list of (alleged) global threats via tweets, interviews, yelling and calling for new strategies,” Aboutalebi said in a post on his Twitter account on Saturday.

During the first term of the Obama Administration, there was also a rhetoric of confrontation and sanctions by US officials but it later turned into interaction, he added.

The Iranian official further emphasized that an interaction strategy has been adopted by the Islamic Republic, which is currently at the height of its power.

The remarks followed a number of anti-Iran tweets by new US President Donald Trump on Thursday and Friday.

“Iran is playing with fire - they don’t appreciate how “kind” President Obama was to them. Not me!” Trump said on his official twitter account on Friday

A day earlier, Trump said that “Iran has been formally PUT ON NOTICE for firing a ballistic missile. Should have been thankful for the terrible deal the US made with them!”



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