Turkish Troops Cut Off Drinking Water in Syria's Hasakah: Report

Turkish Troops Cut Off Drinking Water in Syria's Hasakah: Report

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Turkish troops and their allied militants cut off drinking water supplied to civilians in the Hasakah city in northeastern Syria, a report said.

The Turkish forces stopped the pumping of water in the al-Olouk station in the countryside of Hasakah, depriving one million people in the city from drinking water, SANA said on Sunday.

It added that the al-Olouk station is the only source of drinking water for the people in Hasakah.

The report said the Turkish forces prevented the workers in the station from accessing it on Sunday.

In an interview with SANA on Sunday, Director General of Hasakah Water Company Mahmoud al-Ukla said that Turkish soldiers and Ankara-backed militants stopped al-Olouk Water Station on Saturday evening and barred workers of the station from entering the facility.

He warned that the inhumane move was threatening the lives of inhabitants of the city and its surrounding residential neighborhoods in northeastern Hasakah province.

He added that the criminal act came as the people of the affected areas are in the utmost need for the water from the al-Olouk station, the only source for guaranteeing the drinking water for them.

The water station has so far been forced to stop several times by the invading Turkish troops and their allied militants. 

Back in March, the Syrian foreign ministry sent two identical letters to the chief of the United Nations and the UN Security Council in protest against the repeated inhumane move. It noted at the time that the Turkish military forces shelled the water station during their cross-border military operation last October, putting it out of service.

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