Identity of MKO Member Slain in Albania Disclosed

Identity of MKO Member Slain in Albania Disclosed

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An informed source has revealed the identity of a member of the terrorist Mujahedin-e-Khalq Organization (MKO) who was killed during the Albanian police’s raid on the hated group’s camp on Tuesday.

Albanian authorities on Tuesday raided a camp accommodating the MKO terrorists to seize 150 computer devices linked to terrorist activities. Albanian Interior Minister Bledi Cuci and the head of the national police, Muhamet Rrumbullaku, said both police officers and MKO terrorists were injured during the raid at the Ashraf-3 camp near Manze, a small hill town 30 kilometers west of Albania’s capital Tirana.

Reports suggest that a member of the MKO terror group who was killed in the raid was ‘Abdolvahhab Faraji’, a prominent commander of the terrorist group with expertise in military engineering operations who was in charge of technical and engineering activities during an operation launched by the MKO terrorists against Iran in July 1988.

Sources have reported that a number of other MKO terrorists are in critical condition after the raid. While a number of other commanders of the MKO terror group are among more than 20 elements injured in the raid, the notorious organization is attempting to keep it dark.

An informed source familiar with the activities of the MKO terrorist group told Tasnim on Wednesday, “The terrorists imagined that Albania would be their permanent base for terrorist activities, including cyberattacks and media activities against Iran, but Iran’s explicit warnings about retaliation against the threats to the country’s security have reminded all countries that sheltering terrorists comes at a price.

“What happened in Albania is indeed the result of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s might diplomacy and a set of measures by various organizations,” the source added.

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