Iranian Navy to Step Up Presence in High Seas

Iranian Navy to Step Up Presence in High Seas

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said on Thursday that the Navy is enhancing the presence of its fleet in the international waters and high seas.

Speaking to the Tasnim News Agency in the city of Astara, north of Iran, Sayyari said international waters belong to all countries and “we will boost our presence in the high seas day after day”.

This comes as Iranian Navy’s fleet of warships has entered the Atlantic Ocean for the first time this week and is moving towards the US maritime border.

Iranian Navy’s 29th fleet of warships departed for the Atlantic Ocean late in January in a bid to protect the country’s cargo ships and oil tankers in the high seas.

The fleet is planned to serve intelligence, combat and training purposes. It is comprised of Kharg logistic warship –capable of carrying helicopters—and Sabalan destroyer, and is scheduled to travel some 25,000 nautical kilometers on its journey towards the Atlantic Ocean within three months.

Referring to the Navy presence in the Atlantic, Rear Admiral Sayyari underlined that Iran has no intention of violating the resources, borders and interests of the other countries.

Elsewhere, the senior commander said the Navy has confronted and successfully thwarted 150 cases of pirate attacks against Iranian vessels.

He also underlined the full preparedness of Iran’s Navy and said the accomplishments of the Navy will be unveiled in the near future.

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