Zarif Describes Iran-Sextet N. Talks as "Serious, Substantive"

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian foreign minister and the country’s top nuclear negotiator said Tehran and the six major world powers have had “serious and substantive” negotiations in Vienna.

Speaking at a joint press conference with the European Union foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, at the conclusion of the latest round of nuclear talks between Iran and the Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) on Wednesday evening, Zarif described the just-concluded talks as serious and substantive.

He announced that the two sides are geared up to hold another round of negotiations over Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program from 7 to 9 April, again in the Austrian capital, Vienna.

According to the Iranian chief negotiator, the two sides are planned to hold a series of “technical talks at the level of experts” within the period until the next round of negotiations.

Representatives from Iran and the Group 5+1 (also known as the P5+1 or E3+3) wrapped up two days of talks on Iran’s nuclear program on Wednesday.

The talks in Vienna were aimed at studying the approaches to clinch an ultimate deal on Tehran’s peaceful nuclear program.