Iran Starts Probe into Passenger Plane Crash

Iran Starts Probe into Passenger Plane Crash

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian parliament tasked its Construction Commission with the necessary measures to investigate Sunday plane crash in Tehran as the ministry of road and urban development assigned its own special committee to probe into the crash.

Addressing a parliament session, Vice-Speaker Mohammad Hassan Abutorabifard ordered an investigation into an airplane crash that killed dozens in Tehran earlier in the morning.

The senior lawmaker called on the members of the Construction Commission to launch a probe into the tragic incident that took the lives of at least 40 passengers aboard a Russian-made aircraft.

The An-140 passenger plane crashed in a residential area near Tehran’s Mehrabad Airport shortly after take-off at 9:18 am local time.

At least 40 passengers have been killed so far. No information is available on the cause of the crash.

After the fatal crash, Minister of Road and Urban Development Abbas Akhondi assigned a team from Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization the job of studying the cause of crash on the scene of the incident.

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