Larijani Underlines Significance of Peace, Stability in Iraq for Region

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Speaker of Iran’s Parliament Ali Larijani said restoring peace and stability to Iraq will be in the interest of the entire region.

Larijani raised the issue in a meeting with the visiting Iraqi Health Minister Adilah Husayn in Tehran on Tuesday evening.

The Iranian speaker referred to Tehran's commitment to supporting the neighboring country, and stressed that given the new developments in the region, Iran will maintain its support to the war-torn Arab country.

Husayn, for her part, hailed Iran’s effective role in the restoration of stability to Baghdad, and said that under brutal terrorist attacks the Arab country needs Iran’s humanitarian aid in the form of medical training and equipment. 

Iraq has been facing the growing threat of terrorism, mainly posed by the ISIL terrorist group.

The ISIL militants made swift advances in much of northern and western Iraq in summer 2014, after capturing large swaths of land in northern Syria.

However, a combination of concentrated attacks by the Iraqi military and the popular forces, who rushed to take arms after top Iraqi cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani issued a fatwa calling for fight against the militants, have blunted the edge of the ISIL offensive.