IRGC Commander: Iran Enjoying Rich Arsenal of Missiles

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran has got such a huge supply of missiles that there is shortage of space to stockpile them, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Lieutenant Commander Brigadier General Hossein Salami said.

Addressing a ceremony in Iran’s central city of Isfahan on Tuesday, the top officer said the country has got such advanced ballistic missiles that hit the enemy’s vessels with zero margin of error.

As regards Iran's defense capabilities, Salami noted that Iran’s homegrown torpedoes can travel at a speed of 100 meters per second to annihilate the targets.

“Our air defense (systems) can hunt all flying objects, either small or big, at any altitude,” the commander noted.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Salami explained that the US has lost its influence in the world, and the time has come for decline of the previous powers.

“Today, Americans do not determine the rules of political game across the Islamic world, rather, they have at most the role of a single actor among several actors,” he added.

He said Washington’s political will have no room in Iraq despite 10 years of investment in the Arab country.

“Only sorties by a few American planes can be carried out on Iraq, but the field developments are under the Islamic Republic of Iran’s control (in Iraq),” the commander added.