Yemenis Stress “Historical Victory” over Aggressors as Saudi-Led Attacks End

Yemenis Stress “Historical Victory” over Aggressors as Saudi-Led Attacks End

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Saudi-led coalition, which has bombarded Yemen for nearly a month, announced that its military operation "Decisive Storm" ended on Tuesday as the Yemeni people said they have achieved victory over aggressors.

Ahmed al-Asiri, the spokesman of the Saudi-led coalition, claimed on Tuesday that the coalition had achieved its military goals in Yemen and a new operation called "Renewal of Hope" would begin.

Asiri hailed "Decisive Storm", a military campaign mounted by Saudi Arabia and its Arab allies on March 26 as a "success".

"We are able to confirm that the Houthis are no longer a threat to Yemenis or neighboring countries,” Asiri was quoted by Al Jazeera as saying.

However, Asiri did not rule out future air strikes against the Houthis and said the Saudi-led coalition would continue to impose a naval blockade on Yemen.

This is while, the Yemeni people and politicians say they have achieved victory against the coalition.

Zaid al-Zari, a senior Yemeni politician, said the Yemeni nation reached “a historical victory over the aggressors”.

He emphasized that the Houthi Ansarullah movement and the Yemeni nation managed to prevent the conflicts to be plunged into a “strategic” war in the region.

According to the spokesman of the Yemeni Army, the Saudi-led war on the Arabian Peninsula country killed 2,051 people and wounded 3,897.

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