No Better Alternative to Iran Nuclear Deal: Seth Moulton

No Better Alternative to Iran Nuclear Deal: Seth Moulton

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A US Democratic lawmaker said that he doesn’t think the July 14 conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers is a “good deal”, but at the same time stressed that he can’t see a better alternative.

“The president’s position is that this is a good deal and it’s better than the alternative. My position is that it’s not a good deal but it is better than the alternative,” Rep. Seth Moulton said on Friday at Temple Emanu-El, ItemLive reported. 

He explained that the unfavorable alternatives would be “immediate military action or to return to the negotiating table somehow”.

Moulton added, “You won’t find many folks out there advocating to go to war. I haven’t seen a single T-shirt that says we should go to war.”

“The reality of the situation is that the sanctions that have been effective in bringing Iran around the table are about to fall apart,” the former Marine said, adding that experts he’s spoken with feel that any further sanctions wouldn’t be as effective as the ones in place now.

“We use leverage,” Moulton said. “If we want a better deal, how are we going to get more leverage?”

Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) finalized the text of lasting deal on Tehran’s nuclear program on July 14.

While the United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution to endorse the deal, the text of the document needs to be ratified by both Iran's Parliament and the US Congress.

President Obama has promised a swift veto in the event of a Congress rejection of the agreement in September. Lawmakers would then have to find enough votes to override the president. 20 of 46 Senate democrats have so far supported the deal and Obama administration only needs 13 more votes to defeat a veto override.

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