Congressman: Consequences of Rejecting Iran Nuclear Deal Severe

Congressman: Consequences of Rejecting Iran Nuclear Deal Severe

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US Democratic representative Rick Nolan of Minnesota has supported the conclusion of nuclear talks between Iran and world powers, warning that rejection of the agreement will have serious repercussions, a report said.

“I’ve talked with a number of people … what is the likely outcome of failure, what is the likely response from Iran. I’m convinced the consequences are severe and dramatic,” Nolan said in an interview with Star Tribune on Sunday.

“I’m convinced there is not a better deal,” he added.

Earlier, another US Democratic representative Jerrold Nadler of New York also endorsed the agreement, and said, "I have sought to ignore the political pressures, as well as the demagoguery and hateful rhetoric on both sides that I think has been harmful to the overall political discourse.”

Iran and the Group 5+1 (Russia, China, the US, Britain, France and Germany) finalized the text of lasting deal on Tehran’s nuclear program on July 14.

While the United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution to endorse the deal, the text of the document needs to be ratified by both Iran's Parliament and the US Congress.

US President Barack Obama has promised a swift veto in the event of a Congressional rejection of the agreement in September. Lawmakers would then have to find enough votes to override the president.

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