Iran Raps Israel’s Assassination of Lebanese Figure

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Ministry on Sunday strongly condemned the assassination of prominent Lebanese figure Samir Qantar in an airstrike by Israeli warplanes near Damascus.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hossein Jaberi Ansari denounced the Israeli strike as a blatant violation of the airspace and territorial integrity of an independent government and a member of the United Nations.

He labeled the offensive as the latest example of organized state-sponsored terrorism which is a characteristic of the Zionist regime of Israel.

The spokesman also called on world governments and international organizations to react to this “terrorist and aggressive measure” and not let the international community’s determination to combat terrorism be weakened under the influence of Israeli acts of terrorism.

Jaberi Ansari further expressed condolences to the family of Samir Qantar, his colleagues, the anti-Israeli resistance movement in Lebanon and Palestine and the Lebanese government and nation.

Samir Qantar, known in Lebanon as 'Dean of liberated detainees', was killed in an Israeli airstrike on a residential building in Jaramana, on the southeastern outskirts of Syria’s capital.

The building was hit with four missiles launched by two Israeli warplanes.

Qantar was released from an Israeli prison during a prisoner swap between Hezbollah and Israel in 2008 after serving 29 years in detention.

The airstrike also left ten Syrian nationals dead and a number of other civilians injured.