Lebanon Hails Iran’s Regional Role

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Lebanese President Michel Aoun praised Iran for its contribution to the settlement of the regional crises, hoping for the continued “stabilizing” role that Iran plays in the region.

In a meeting with Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari in Beirut on Friday, Michel Aoun lauded Iran’s positive role in the region, as in resolving the crisis in Syria.

Describing a recent trilateral meeting among the foreign ministers of Iran, Russia and Turkey in Moscow for talks on Syria as a major step towards ending the war in Syria, President Aoun expressed the hope that the other countries would also join such process.

He further highlighted the peaceful coexistence among various religions in Lebanon, saying the Arab country has managed to address the problems by recognizing the rights of all religious and political parties.

For his part, the Iranian diplomat applauded Lebanon for its success to bridge the political differences through “dialogue and national consensus”, stressing that such Lebanese procedure could become a paradigm of settling the regional conflicts.

The Lebanese officials’ success to reach a consensus signifies their savvy, foresight and reliance on historical experiences, Jaberi Ansari noted.

The Iranian deputy foreign minister is in Lebanon as part of a regional tour that took him earlier to Syria.

He held meetings with top Syrian officials in Damascus, including President Bashar al-Assad and Foreign Minister Walid Muallem.