Obama Administration's Hacking Claims Groundless: Russian Security Council Head

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The outgoing US President Barack Obama's administration accusations of alleged Russia's hacking are groundless, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev said Sunday.

Washington intentionally ignored the fact that the United States host the main servers, Patrushev said.

"For instance, Barack Obama’s administration groundlessly accuses Russia of hacking, knowingly ignoring the fact that main servers are located in the United States and are used by Washington for intelligence and other purposes, aimed at maintaining its predominance in the world," Patrushev said, Sputnik reported. 

On January 6, the US Intelligence Community released a report saying it has "high confidence" in Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.

Russian officials have repeatedly denied the US allegations calling them absurd and characterizing them as an attempt to divert public opinion from revelations of corruption as well as other pressing domestic issues.