Leader Urges Students to Promote Path of God

Leader Urges Students to Promote Path of God

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called on Iranian university students to try to have a positive impact on their peripheral atmosphere and promote the path of God, which even outweighs virtues such as scientific and moral self-improvement.

In a message to the 51st annual meeting of the Union of Islamic Students Associations in Europe (UISAE), Ayatollah Khamenei said “youthfulness and studying in university” are qualities that can each serve as a “powerful drive for achieving sublime goals.”

Apart from those two advantages, the Leader added, members of Islamic students associations enjoy the privilege of playing a role in an “influential organization.”

“You dears are expected to do something beyond scientific, religious and moral self-improvement,” Imam Khamenei, urging the students to impact on their surroundings and add to the number of followers of God’s path with their words and deeds

The Leader also noted that amid an “asymmetrical battle” between the front of Kufr (disbelief) and arrogance and the front of pure Islam, it is everybody’s duty to work as a source of true Islamic teachings and straight divine path.

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