Iranians Are Greatest Fans in World: Jordan Burroughs

Iranians Are Greatest Fans in World: Jordan Burroughs

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Five-time world champion Jordan Burroughs praised the passion of the Iranian fans and said that they are the greatest fans in the world.

There is no place Burroughs enjoys competing more than wrestling-crazed Iran. The passion of the fans and level of competition is unmatched anywhere in the world.

Burroughs and a handful of other Americans are scheduled to leave Feb. 8 for a World Cup tournament in Kermanshah, Iran.

“Here is this country that has been so instrumental to the culture and sport of wrestling. They are the greatest fans in the world,” he said.

“Sports is one of the few institutions that transcends race, religion, culture and government," Burroughs said. "For me, making America great again starts internally with how you deal with the people around you,” Burroughs told abcnews.

In Iran, Burroughs will be part of a US delegation that will feature 13 athletes, two coaches, a referee, a medical staff member and a videographer, plus other official delegates. Burroughs said the passion for wrestling is so high in Iran that he has more Instagram followers from Tehran than any other city in the world.

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