Russia, EU to Hold Next Round of Anti-Terror Talks in Brussels

Russia, EU to Hold Next Round of Anti-Terror Talks in Brussels

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Russian side has confirmed the need to unite the world community’s efforts in the fight against a global threat of terrorism.

Russia and the European Union will hold a next round of anti-terrorism talks in Brussels, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday after talks between the delegations headed by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov and EU Deputy Secretary General at the EEAS Pedro Serrano, TASS reported.

At the current round of talks, the sides "exchanged detailed assessments of the state of global and regional terrorist threats and expertise in counteracting terrorism within both Russia and the EU."

"Along with this, special attention has been drawn to the goals of suppressing activity of ‘foreign terrorist fighters’, of combating against the spread of terrorist and extremist ideology and against radicalization (including via the Internet networks), of counteracting the financing of terrorism and of ensuring anti-terror security of civil aviation," the ministry said.

The two diplomats "considered possibilities for expanding counter-terrorism cooperation in multilateral formats, primarily at the UN," it said.

"The Russian side has confirmed the need to unite the world community’s efforts in the fight against a global threat of terrorism on the basis on international law, the UN Charter and UN Security Council’s profile resolutions. An agreement has been achieved to hold a next round of talks in Brussels."

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