Any New War against Lebanon Doomed to Failure: Nasrallah

Any New War against Lebanon Doomed to Failure: Nasrallah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Secretary General of the Lebanese Hezbollah Resistance Movement Seyed Hassan Nasrallah said that the Zionist regime of Israel has no intention to wage a new war against Lebanon as it knows it would end in defeat.

"If Israel wages a war against Syria or Lebanon ... tens of thousands of fighters from Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran and Iraq would join the battles,” Nasrallah said on Friday addressing a large gathering on the occasion of the International Quds Day in the Beirut southern suburbs, The Daily Star reported.

The Quds Day falls on the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.

Nasrallah said that Israel has no intention to wage a new war against Lebanon.

"They know that such a war will not lead to their victory," he added.

The remarks came after the chief of the Israeli air force said on Wednesday that Israel would use all its strength from the start in any new war with Hezbollah.

"The resistance axis is becoming more active and stronger," Nasrallah said.

Nasrallah said that "the popular uprisings in more than one country [in the region] began in an honest and straightforward manner. They weren't a conspiracy."

However, he said that the absence of "wise leaderships and cooperation" enabled the United States and its tools in the region to exploit the movements.

"The movements have been dragged to serve a number of goals, including controlling our ... oil and gas and resources, and the most important is ending the Palestinian Cause."

Nasrallah said that the conflicts in the region, in Libya, Yemen and Syria was an "attempt to pave way politically and popularly to reach a settlement that benefits the Israeli enemy at the expense of Palestinians."

"This goal is old but during this stage it has it different tools and approaches."

Nasrallah further lauded the Islamic Republic of Iran as the "main backer of the Palestinian cause."

He said that Tehran is suffering from "economic sanctions, political conspiracies in an attempt to isolate it and labeling it as the enemy instead of Israel."

"The Saudi regime is weaker than waging a war against Iran," he said.

He noted that the new Saudi crown prince is seeking to move the conflict in the region to Iran.

The Hezbollah chief said that all attempts to isolate Iran didn't achieve their purpose.

"Iran emerged stronger."

He said that Iran will "not tolerate terrorism and will strike back."

Nasrallah in his speech also said that the United States is creating Daesh (ISIL or ISIS), Saudi Arabia is funding it and Turkey is facilitating its movement.

"They hoped that Daesh would topple the Iraqi government and control the area."

"At the end the main target is the Palestinian people."

He said that the major players in the area have been seeking "to lead the countries of the region to despair."

Nasrallah said that there are two separate groups in the region.

"The first axis led by the United States, Israel and some Arab and Islamist countries, while the second axis that is defending Palestine and the independence of the countries of the region."

He said the US and its allies are waging "massive attacks against the resistance to topple it ... but our first achievement was that we remained steadfast."

Nasrallah said that Israel has been seeking to naturalize its ties with Arab countries.

"Israelis now reject any negotiations with Palestinians because they have hoped that Arab countries would (agree on their terms) before reaching a settlement with Palestine."

Nasrallah said that Syria surpassed the "danger," warning of other alternatives like Daesh.

"Syria will overcome attempts to divide it and isolation."

The Hezbollah chief also praised the Iraqi and Yemeni people for standing their ground despite all the attempts to control their lands.

He revealed that Hezbollah has information that Israel is taking part in air strike in Yemen.

Nasrallah called on the people of the region "not to despair. We have many achievements and the horizon is open."

"We have one fate. The situation in the region will not remain as it is."

"All the schemes failed and will fail ... the mask has fallen off all faces."

Nasrallah noted that the Saudi regime is "paving the way for Israel" in the region.

"It's unfortunate that Saudi Arabia is the head of terrorism and today it's holding its neighbors accountable for supporting terrorism," Nasrallah said, hinting to the recent economic sanctions against Qatar.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates that imposed sanctions against Qatar, accuse it of funding terrorism, fomenting regional unrest and drawing too close to Iran.

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