Iran’s Larijani Slams ‘Inhumane’ Israeli Acts against Palestinians

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani strongly condemned the “criminal” and “inhumane” Israeli acts against peaceful Palestinian protesters on Land Day.

“Such acts are the continuation of the Zionists’ repeated crimes (against Palestinians) under the support of the US administration,” Larijani added in his remarks on Sunday.

He further described the Israeli regime’s policy of creating tension in the region as well as US President Donald Trump’s decision to move his country’s embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (al-Quds) as plots orchestrated by Tel Aviv and Washington to undermine the region’s security and stability.

“The terrorists ruling Tel Aviv only understand the language of force,” the top Iranian official noted, adding that only resistance can stop the “power-mad” regime.

Larijani further called on Muslim countries to take the necessary measures and back the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people.

On Friday, around 30,000 Gazans marched to the fence with the occupied territories at the start of a six-week protest, dubbed "The Great March of Return,"  demanding the right to return to their homeland.

The rallies coincided with the 42nd anniversary of Land Day, which commemorates the murder of six Palestinians by Israeli forces in 1976.

Friday's demonstrations turned violent after Israeli forces used tear gas and live fire to force back demonstrators who had approached within a few hundred meters of the heavily-fortified fence.

The clashes left 17 Palestinians dead and over 1,400 others injured in Gaza in what was the single deadliest day in the Israel-Palestine conflict since the 2014 war.

The Return rallies culminate on May 15, the day Palestinians commemorate Nakba Day (Day of Catastrophe) when hundreds of thousands fled or were driven out of their homes in 1948, the year Israel was created.

Israel's Friday massacre of the Palestinians drew condemnations worldwide, with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres calling for “an independent and transparent investigation” into the incident.