Regional Security Requires Homegrown Solutions: Iran’s DM

Regional Security Requires Homegrown Solutions: Iran’s DM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami denounced the security strategies that outsiders have formulated for the region, making a reference to a US-led military coalition that has been “managing terrorists” in the name of war against Daesh (ISIL).

“We believe that the region’s security solutions must be devised inside the region,” the Iranian defense minister told reporters upon his arrival in Moscow on Tuesday.

Foreign-made security strategies are “unrealistic, unachievable and unacceptable”, because the outsiders have no understanding of the regional crises and their interests do not match those of the regional nations, the general added.

Pointing to the crisis in Syria, he said the axis of resistance -backed by Russia- launched a genuine war against terrorism that led to the defeat of Daesh, while the US-led coalition behaved “selectively” and supported terrorists whenever necessary.

As regards the purpose of his visit to Moscow, the Iranian minister said he would meet Russian officials for talks on military interaction as well as regional and international cooperation.

Tehran and Moscow have overcome the past mistrust and have shaped close bilateral relations, he added.

Heading a military delegation, the Iranian minister has travelled to Russia to attend an international security conference.

Iran and Russia have formed a strong alliance in recent years, with both supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s legitimate government against foreign-backed militancy.

In August 2016, Iran let Russian fighter jets use its Nojeh military airbase for missions in Syria.

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