Israel behind Divisions in Region: Ayatollah Khamenei

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei described the Zionist regime of Israel as the main factor behind the current divisions in the region and among Muslim nations.

“It is the policy of the arrogant front to foment discord among Muslim nations and within the nations. The only way to counter this policy, formulated by the criminal America and Zionists, is to pinpoint enemies’ schemes and stand up to them,” Ayatollah Khamenei said Friday, addressing a gathering in Tehran of senior Iranian officials and military commanders and people from different walks of life as well as ambassadors of Muslim countries to Iran.

The Leader added that seeking unity and resolving differences are among key factors that could contribute to Muslim countries’ glory and dignity.

Stressing that the Israeli regime is the main cause behind the existing divisions in the region and among Muslim nations, Ayatollah Khamenei said, “The Zionist regime was founded based on falsehood. They have forcefully and by means of coercion, threat and armed forces, expelled a historical nation from their own country. Is it possible to eliminate Palestine from the historical-geographical memory of the world?”

The Leader added, “Like all free countries, the people of Palestine, real Palestinians, should be polled to determine the political system of Palestine. That governing body will decide on the future of immigrants in Palestine. There's no other solution and this leads to the elimination of the Zionist regime.”

“The Zionist Regime’s issue isn’t about diplomatic ties with other states, to be solved if a few spineless states in region established ties with it,” Ayatollah Khamenei said. “It's about nations; it won't be solved by White House’s efforts, moving its embassy. It’s about the regime’s fundamental illegitimacy.”

The Leader further stressed that the Zionist regime “will not last long”, saying that all historical experiences imply that the Zionist regime will undoubtedly perish not in the too distant future.