Leader Underlines Judicial Action against Disruption to Iran’s Economy

Leader Underlines Judicial Action against Disruption to Iran’s Economy

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined the Judiciary’s duty to decisively confront economic corruption or measures disrupting Iran’s economy.

“Business activities and the people’s living and livelihood must be safe, and the Judiciary must confront those disrupting economic security,” Ayatollah Khamenei said in a gathering of top Judiciary officials in Tehran on Wednesday.

Describing “outright and unequivocal” treatment of economic corruption as one of the Judiciary’s major duties, Ayatollah Khamenei stressed that confronting economic corrupts must be decisive and effective.

The Leader then urged the Judiciary to fully inform people about its measures to tackle economic corruption, saying the judicial system should let people realize the authenticity of its anti-corruption measures and turn the threats into opportunities.

Elsewhere, hailing the Judiciary for its efforts to restore the Islamic Republic of Iran’s rights in the face of bullying enemies and the self-proclaimed advocates of human rights, Ayatollah Khamenei made a reference to the “human rights catastrophes” that the US, France and Britain have created in different parts of the world.

“Over these past years, the Westerners’ actions in support of Daesh, in Syria, (and those) Myanmar and the other regions reveal the repetitive lies by the brazen self-proclaimed advocates of human rights,” the leader deplored.

Ayatollah Khamenei further denounced the severe propaganda campaign that the enemies have mounted to undermine Iran’s Judiciary, pointing to the attempts to humanize a “ruthless murderer” that had killed a number of young security forces and was convicted of his crimes after several months of fair judicial processes.

On June 18, Mohammad Salas, a rioter who had driven a bus into a group of police officers during a February mob attack in north Tehran, killing three police forces and wounding a number of others, was hanged for murder. After the punishment, many anti-Iranian media outlets tried to portray the cop killer as a victim of unfair trial.

The Leader’s emphasis on the need for countering corruption came after Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadeq Amoli Larijani on Tuesday denounced as “treason against the state and nation” the opportunistic move by some capital owners to agitate the market, saying severe punishment awaits those behind such disruption to the country’s economy.

In comments in April, Ayatollah Khamenei said the enemies have resorted to economic war after realizing the futility of military action against Iran.

“They have now focused on economic and cultural war, with the US Treasury Department working as the headquarters of the economic war on the Islamic Republic Establishment,” the Leader said, highlighting the need for supporting Iranian producers and businesses to deal with the enemy’s economic war.

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