Era of US Hegemony in Middle East Over: Iraqi Politician

Era of US Hegemony in Middle East Over: Iraqi Politician

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq Humam Hamoudi highlighted the Washington government’s failed policies in the Middle East and said the US hegemony has come to an end in the region after victories over the Daesh (ISIS or ISIL) terrorist group.

Speaking at a meeting with the Russian president's special envoy to the Middle East, Mikhail Bogdanov, Hamoudi said the US has reneged on its pledges under international agreements and tries to impose its domination on the world.

“After the victory over Daesh terrorist group, which was realized by the national will (in Iraq), the era of US hegemony in the region has come to its end,” the top politician added.

Wherever the US forces are stationed, destruction and mass killing has been witnessed as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Yemen, he went on to say.

The remarks came as political groups in Iraq have stepped up their efforts to persuade the parliament to stand against the presence of US forces in the Arab country following US President Donald Trump's secret visit to Iraq in December.

For the first time since he became US president almost two years ago, Trump paid a surprise visit to American troops in Iraq on December 26. He landed at an airbase west of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, where he thanked the soldiers for their service.

But Trump’s planned meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul-Mahdi was canceled over a dispute about the location of the meeting.

Meanwhile, Iraqi political parties and figures have condemned Trump’s visit as a violation of their country’s sovereignty.


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