Iran’s Zarif to Visit Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif announced plans for a visit to Syria in the near future.

In an interview with Al Forat TV, Zarif said he would make a visit to Damascus soon.

On February 27, Syria’s Ambassador to Tehran Adnan Mahmoud had presented an invitation from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to Foreign Minister Zarif.

In January, Iranian First Vice-President Eshaq Jahangiri paid a two-day visit to Syria with a 40-strong delegation to hold talks with senior officials of the Arab country.

During the trip, Iran and Syria inked 11 agreements, including memorandums of understanding to boost cooperation in diverse areas.

Iran is a key ally of Syria as the Islamic Republic has been providing military advisory assistance to Damascus in its anti-terror campaign.

Iranian officials have made it clear that Tehran would stand by Syria in the reconstruction projects of the war-stricken country.