Sudan Rulers, Opposition Plan More Talks for Governance

Sudan Rulers, Opposition Plan More Talks for Governance

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Sudan’s ruling military council and a main opposition alliance have agreed to hold more talks to reach an agreement on the structure of governance.

This came following a round of talks held between the Military Transitional Council (MTC) and the opposition Freedom and Change alliance on the makeup and powers of a governing council that would rule Sudan during a 3-year transitional period.

“The two sides agreed to pursue negotiations until reaching a final deal,” MTC spokesman Shams al-Din al-Kabbashi told a press conference early Monday.

He said a joint committee will be formed to look into results by a fact-finding mission into a recent attack on a protest camp near the military headquarters, in which six people were killed, Anadolu Agency reported.

Medani Abas Medani, a leading member of the opposition alliance, said the talks would continue “until reaching an agreement that fulfills the aspirations of the people”.

On April 11, the Sudanese army announced the ouster of President Omar al-Bashir following months of popular protest against his 30-year rule.

The MTC is now overseeing a two-year “transitional period” during which it has pledged to hold free presidential elections.

But the opposition, led by the Freedom and Change alliance, has continued to demand that the MTC hand over power -- at the earliest possible date -- to a civilian authority.

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