Bernie Sanders Backed by One-Third of New Hampshire Democrats in Poll

Bernie Sanders Backed by One-Third of New Hampshire Democrats in Poll

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – US Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders holds a comfortable lead before next week’s New Hampshire primary with nearly double the support of Pete Buttigieg and is favored in nearly every subgroup, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The Vermont senator leads with 32% in the state, followed by the former South Bend, Indiana, mayor with 17%. Former Vice President Joe Biden was next with 13%, trailed by Senators Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts with 11% each. The poll was conducted from February 2-4 and has a margin of error of +/- 4.3 percentage points.

Entrepreneur Andrew Yang and Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard both garnered 6%, Bloomberg reported.

The results are part of an eight-day continuous poll by Emerson of the first primary state, measuring the bump candidates receive coming out of Iowa. Data for the poll were collected after the Iowa Democratic Party released partial caucus results that found Buttigieg with a slight lead over Sanders.

Compared to the poll taken Tuesday, before the partial Iowa results were released, Buttigieg gained 5 percentage points, Warren lost 2, Klobuchar lost 1 and Sanders and Biden were unchanged.

Sanders has the support of 42% of younger voters, followed by Buttigieg with 11% and Warren and Gabbard both with 10%. He also leads among voters over 50 with 23%, followed by Buttigieg with 21% and Biden with 20%. Sanders was also seen by 42% of New Hampshire Democrats as the candidate they believe will become the party’s nominee. He was followed by 32% who believed Biden would and 10% who believed Buttigieg would.

Michael Bloomberg is also seeking the Democratic presidential nomination but is not taking part in the New Hampshire primary. He is the founder and majority owner of Bloomberg LP, the parent company of Bloomberg News. Regardless of who they were supporting, almost 3% of voters surveyed thought he will become the nominee.

This post is part of Campaign Update, our live coverage from the 2020 campaign trail.

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