President Urges Continuation of Economic Activities, Observance of Health Protocols

President Urges Continuation of Economic Activities, Observance of Health Protocols

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The only way to handle the coronavirus pandemic in Iran is to proceed with the economic activities and comply with the health regulations at the same time, President Hassan Rouhani said.

In an address to a Saturday session of the Coronavirus Fight National Headquarters, Rouhani said the sole approach to handling and containing the coronavirus outbreak is to resume economic, social and cultural activities simultaneous with the observance of the health protocols.

“There is no second option and this is the one and only way,” he underlined.

The president pointed to a ban on the public gatherings, wedding and mourning ceremonies, parties, seminars and conferences, stressing that while the pandemic should not be considered a normal issue, neither should a phobia should be created about the disease.

“If we do something that makes people think the coronavirus is a normal issue and not threatening, we will encounter problems, and, on the other hand, it will also be wrong if we constantly create horror among people in a way that the necessary economic activities would face problems.”

The easiest way to contain the disease is to halt all activities, but it would cause chaos and protests, the president said, noting that other countries have also backed off from the idea of closure of businesses and activities.

Iran’s Health Ministry said on Friday that the number of people tested positive for COVID-19 in the country had risen to 252,720, of whom more than 215,015 have recovered from the infection or have been discharged from hospitals.

The death toll from coronavirus in Iran has exceeded 12,400.

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