Iran’s Zarif Warns Trump against Any Adventurism

Iran’s Zarif Warns Trump against Any Adventurism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif warned Donald Trump against any adventurism after the US president recklessly accused the Islamic Republic of being behind the recent rocket attack on the American embassy in Baghdad.

“@realDonaldTrump uses a worthless photo to recklessly accuse Iran. Last time, the US ruined our region over WMD fabrications, wasting $7 TRILLION & causing 58,976 American casualties. FAR WORSE this time. Trump will bear full responsibility for any adventurism on his way out,” Zarif wrote on his Twitter account on Thursday.

Late on Sunday, Iraqi officials announced that at least three Katyusha rockets had landed within Baghdad’s Green Zone. The rockets landed close to the US diplomatic mission, causing sirens blaring within the compound without any casualties apart from some material damage.

Trump warned Iran on Wednesday that he would hold it accountable “if one American is killed” in rocket attacks in Iraq.

In a Twitter post that came after a meeting with senior officials at the White House, Trump claimed that Iran was behind rocket attacks on the American Embassy in Baghdad on Sunday. “Some friendly health advice to Iran,” Trump tweeted. “If one American is killed, I will hold Iran responsible. Think it over.”

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