Esteghlal Back on Track: IPL

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Esteghlal football team earned an away win over Iran Professional League (IPL) leader Gol Gohar on Wednesday.

Mahmoud Fekri’s team overtook its host at top of the table with a 2-1 win in Sirjan.

Vouria Ghafouri was on target from the penalty spot in the 8th minute and Mehdi Ghaedi scored Esteghlal’s second goal six minutes later.

Ahmad Reza Zendehrooh pulled a goal back from the penalty spot in the 78th minute.

In Tabriz, Tractor was held to a goalless draw against Shahr Khodro and Paykan defeated Naft Masjed Soleyman thanks to Farzad Hatami’s 82nd-minute goal.

Foolad also beat Nassaji 1-0 in Ahvaz. Ayanda Patosi scored the solitary goal of the match in the 16th minute.