IRGC Resumes Attacks on Terrorists in KRG

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force launched a new round of artillery and missile attacks on the positions of terrorist groups in Iraq’s Kurdistan Region on Monday.

The IRGC Ground Force carried out the fresh round of artillery and missile strikes on the positions of terrorist and separatist groups based in northern Iraq after a six-week hiatus.

Following the suspension of military attacks against the KRG-based terrorists on October 8, an informed source had told Tasnim that the IRGC’s decision to halt or proceed with the attacks would depend on the KRG officials’ future measures.

The first stage of the attacks began on September 24, after terrorists’ move to ignite riots and unrest along border cities west of Iran.

The move by IRGC Ground Force to hit Iraqi-based Komalah and Democrat terrorist groups came after illegal entry by these groups’ armed teams into the Iranian border cities.

The IRGC has said, “These terrorists - who are backed by the global arrogance and are based in the Iraqi northern region – were forced to flee the country after accepting heavy casualties.”

The IRGC underlined that Iran on many occasions has warned officials of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region about the terrorist groups’ activities in the region but they have failed to pay necessary attention to the warnings and take proper measures to prevent terrorist moves.

It has also described the operations by the Iranian forces as part of efforts to ensure durable security along borders and punish criminal terrorists.