Russia, China Call for Swift Restoration of Iran Nuclear Deal

Russia, China Call for Swift Restoration of Iran Nuclear Deal

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia and China jointly released a statement on Tuesday calling for the restoration of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) on Iran’s nuclear program.

"The sides reaffirm the importance of soonest resumption of full and effective implementation of the Agreement on the Iranian nuclear program and UN Security Council Resolution 2231. In this regard, they call on all stakeholders to make political decisions facilitating a positive outcome of negotiations on restoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)," the document says.

The 2015 agreement was signed by Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. However, former US president Donald Trump withdrew from the agreement in 2018.

In the joint statement, Russia and China urged all stakeholders to make political decisions that would facilitate a positive outcome of negotiations aimed at restoring the JCPOA to its original form. The current US president, Joe Biden, has signaled his willingness to bring Washington back into the nuclear deal.

Since April 2021, Russia, Britain, Germany, China, the United States, and France have been engaged in talks with Iran in Vienna to restore the JCPOA.

In comments at a weekly presser in early March, the spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry reiterated that Iran’s national interests define how far it will persist with the course of the JCPOA negotiations and the country would not by any means consider signing a temporary agreement in the course of the talks on reviving the 2015 nuclear deal.

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