Oman Becomes A Major Trade Partner of Iran: Official

Oman Becomes A Major Trade Partner of Iran: Official

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The director general of the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI)’s Office of Arabian and African Countries said that Oman has turned into one of Iran’s main trade partners in the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi.

By strengthening economic diplomacy with neighboring countries, the current administration has paved the way for Oman to become one of Iran’s main trade partners in the fields of imports and exports, Farzad Piltan stated.

Speaking in an interview with IRNA, he pointed to the membership of Oman in the Arab Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and added that such bilateral FTAs with countries like Singapore, Switzerland and Norway can pave the way for Iran to get access to third-party countries.

Oman is an important country and a strategic political partner of Iran in the region, he said, adding that these have provided a suitable basis for Oman to become one of Iran’s major trading partners in the fields of export and import.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Piltan pointed to the cooperation agreements inked between the two countries and noted that 15 cooperation deals were signed between Iran and Oman following the visit of President Raisi to the Sultanate last year and the recent visit of the Sultan of Oman to Iran.

During the visit of the Sultan of Oman to Iran last week, five cooperation agreements were inked between the two countries in the fields of joint investment, cooperation in free zones, energy, and auto fields, the official stated.

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