Iran-Turkmenistan Gas Deal Can Help Stabilize Gas in Northern, Northeastern Regions

Iran-Turkmenistan Gas Deal Can Help Stabilize Gas in Northern, Northeastern Regions

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Pointing to a gas contract inked between Iran and Turkmenistan, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s Energy Commission said that the gas contract between the two countries will help the stability of gas supplies in northern and northeastern parts of the country.

The general orientation of the Ministry of Oil in the field of energy diplomacy is positive, Mostafa Nakhaei stated, adding that strengthening the energy diplomacy with neighboring countries is one of the strengths of the administration of President Ebrahim Raisi.

He went on to say that the gas contract between Iran and Turkmenistan will be signed in the very near future as the current administration is moving towards boosting relations with neighbors.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Nakhaei pointed to the sanctions imposed against the country and added that bolstering cooperation with neighboring states can help the country circumvent the sanctions.

Not only does Iran have the capability of increasing its export capacities in the oil and gas sectors but it also turm into a gas hub in the region, he added.


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