Iran, Cuba Reaffirm Solidarity against Imperialism

Iran, Cuba Reaffirm Solidarity against Imperialism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The presidents of Iran and Cuba highlighted the significance of cooperation among the independent states against imperialism and foreign interference, weighing plans to enhance interaction between Tehran and Havana to nullify the cruel sanctions.

During his official visit to Cuba, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi attended the joint meeting of the high-ranking delegations of the two countries on Thursday and proposed the formation of a joint commission on technological cooperation between the two countries.

Paying tribute to the resistant and patient people of Cuba and the national heroes of the country, Raisi honored the memory of all those who lost their lives for the independence and freedom of this land.

The relations between Iran and Cuba have changed since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, he added, saying, "In the years since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the relations between the two countries have always been developing, and especially in recent years and during the coronavirus pandemic, constructive cooperation has taken place."

Stating that Iran and Cuba have important common grounds, including in the struggle for independence, Raisi said, "Iran is ready to cooperate with all countries, but if a country acts against the interests of our nation, we will stand against it."

President Raisi referred to the resistance of the Iranian nation against sanctions and extensive pressures, adding, "Iran considers relations with independent countries as one of the ways to tackle sanctions."

“I hope that my visit to Cuba, and your visit to Tehran in the near future can be effective steps in developing relations between the two countries,” the Iranian president said, adding, "The activation of the Joint Commission of Economic Cooperation of the two countries can provide faster solutions for implementation of agreements."

He finally stressed that the US and bullying powers cannot do anything against the independent nations. "Our cooperation in the path to progress can create hope in independent nations and despair in hegemons."

For his part, Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said, "Your visit to Cuba is meaningful and the proof of existence of a set of common values and views between the two countries."

"The three countries that you chose as destination for your regional trip have a meaningful relation with the Iranian Revolution," he added.

"I am confident that your visit to Cuba will be a turning point in the history of relations between the two countries,” the Cuban president stated.

The Iranian president and his entourage visited Cuba in the final leg of a tour of Latin America that took them earlier to Venezuela and Nicaragua.

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