Georgian President Urges Heightened Border Control amid Russian Events

Georgian President Urges Heightened Border Control amid Russian Events

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili called for strengthened control over the country's borders in response to unfolding events in Russia, according to Trend.

In a tweet, Zourabichvili underscored the ongoing close monitoring of these events, Trend news reported.

"Given the potential for new waves of migration, strict control measures need to be implemented at our country's borders," she emphasized.

On Friday the Investigation Department of Russia's Federal Security Service launched a criminal case against Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Wagner Private Military Company, under Article 279 of the Russian Federation's Criminal Code, related to organizing an armed rebellion.

Russia has implemented an anti-terrorist operation regime in several regions, including Moscow and Voronezh.

Meanwhile, Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov stated on Saturday that his forces were prepared to assist in quelling the uprising led by Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, using harsh methods if necessary.

In a statement, Kadyrov referred to Prigozhin's actions as "a knife in the back" and urged Russian soldiers not to yield to any provocations.

He said Chechen units were being deployed to the "tense zones" and would act to safeguard Russian units and protect the nation's sovereignty.

Kadyrov, a close ally of President Vladimir Putin and commander of significant military forces in Chechnya, had previously been aligned with Prigozhin, sharing some of his criticisms of the Russian military hierarchy.

However, in recent weeks, Chechen commanders aligned with Kadyrov started voicing criticism of Prigozhin's frequent outbursts against the defense ministry.

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