Killing of Captive Israelis Main Objective of Zionist Ground Assault on Gaza: Sources

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Informed sources have suggested that the primary objective of Israeli ground assault in Gaza is the killing of captive Israelis by the Palestinian resistance forces.

"Despite knowing that a ground invasion of Gaza cannot destroy Hamas, Israeli authorities are entering the enclave solely to cause the killing of the Israelis that it held captive, which is their (Israel’s) clandestine but actual goal," stated a reporter from the Hebrew desk of the Tasnim News Agency, citing informed sources in the occupied territories.

According to media reports, the Palestinian resistance has captured between 200 to 250 Israelis in recent operations, including senior Israeli military officials.

The issue of the captives is of paramount importance among the Israeli occupiers, as the regime's political and military authorities consistently face pressure from the settlers of the occupied territories.

In 2006, Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier, was captured by Hamas. Israel exhausted every possible means to secure his release, including extensive intelligence operations, heavy bombardments of civilian areas in Gaza, and a ground invasion into the enclave. Nonetheless, the regime failed to free Shalit and ultimately had to exchange him in 2011 for 1,027 Palestinian prisoners.

However, the current situation is considerably more complex for the Israelis as they face the challenge of around 250 captives, including both soldiers and military officials being held captive by Hamas. Consequently, after the bombings cease, the Zionists will face further unusual and unexpected developments.

In recent weeks, families of Israeli captives have staged protests in front of administrative buildings and the homes of certain political figures, emphasizing the urgent need for detainee exchanges.

In light of these developments, informed sources emphasize that an Israeli ground invasion of Gaza and an attempt to eliminate Hamas for Israelis is akin to entering a dark valley with significant costs, and the only idea they wish to pursue in this manner is a targeted assault on specific locations where Israeli captives are believed to be held.

Through this approach, Israel hopes to lessen the likelihood of a more serious catastrophe in the future. The issue at hand, however, is that the deaths of these captives will spark a fierce public backlash within the occupied territories.