Closer Ties with Azerbaijan A Pillar of Iran’s Foreign Policy: President

Closer Ties with Azerbaijan A Pillar of Iran’s Foreign Policy: President

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The expansion of relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan as a friendly and brotherly neighbor constitutes a main axis of Iran’s foreign policy, President Ebrahim Raisi said.

“Improving the level of interactions and relations with the friendly, brotherly and neighboring country of Azerbaijan is one of the axes of Iran's foreign policy,” Raisi said in a meeting with Azeri Foreign Minister Jeyhun Bayramov, held in Tehran on Monday.

The top Azeri diplomat traveled to Tehran to join his counterparts from Iran, Russia, Armenia and Turkey for the 2nd meeting of the “3+3” Regional Platform about the South Caucasus developments.

Describing Iran as one of the important and powerful countries in the region, Raisi said Tehran emphasizes respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries and insists on the settlement of disputes through understanding and interaction.

Condemning the Israeli regime’s brutal attacks on Palestinians, Raisi added, “Today's situation in Gaza is a sign before the eyes of all the nations of the region for everyone to see that the Westerners and America at the head of them, by fully supporting the crimes of the Zionists, are not only not friends and sympathizers of the countries of the region, but they only pursue their racist interests in the region.”

Bayramov, for his part, said the Republic of Azerbaijan attaches special importance to its relations with Iran.

He noted that Iran's approach to issues, especially the prevention of non-regional countries meddling in the region, is approved and supported by the Republic of Azerbaijan. “We evaluate the holding of the Caucasus Cooperation Group meeting in Tehran as useful, positive and constructive.”

Hailing Iran’s support for the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the foreign minister described the prospect of relations between the two countries as clear and said, “In recent months, the two countries have made significant progress in improving the level of relations and promoting bilateral cooperation.”

Bayramov also criticized the double standards of Western countries in facing regional issues, including in connection with the current situation in Gaza, and expressed hope that the attacks on the defenseless people of Gaza will be stopped as soon as possible and peace will be established in the region.

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