Lukashenko Ridicules Borrell’s Call to Get Ready for 'Prolonged Conflict' with Russia

Lukashenko Ridicules Borrell’s Call to Get Ready for 'Prolonged Conflict' with Russia

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Russia and Belarus are not interested in getting into a new conflict with NATO, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said, commenting on EU High Representative Josep Borrell’s call to get ready for a "prolonged conflict" with Russia.

"This is stupid! This man is just stupid, you see, he is a fool! He has nothing to do with politics! Had he been smart, he would have thought it through, you know, prudently, TASS reported.

Russia and us, we already have our hands full with existing problems, are we supposed to put more problems on top of those? Any person would have thought that," Lukashenko said.

The Belarusian leader noted that neither Russians, nor Belarusians are interested in a war.

"Are we in a position to start a new war? We already have one to deal with. Especially now, when the situation becomes favorable for us, and for them as well, in order to not lose Ukraine," he underscored.

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