World’s Biggest Gas Condensate Refinery Operating South of Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Known as the largest gas condensate refinery in the world, the Persian Gulf Star Oil Refinery in Iran’s coastal province of Hormozgan is currently producing 460,000 barrels of gas condensates each day, its CEO said.

The daily production of gas condensates -mixture of light liquid hydrocarbons similar to a very light crude oil- in the Persian Gulf Star Oil Refinery stands at 460,000 barrels, Alireza Jafarpour Boroujeni said.

Benefitting from the expert manpower and engineers, the large refinery meets 40 percent of Iran’s demand for gasoline, he stated, IRNA reported.

Iran’s current average demand for gasoline is more than 120 million liters per day, while consumption reaches nearly 150 million liters at the peak of travel seasons, he added.

During a visit to the refinery on Wednesday, Interior Minister Ahmad Vahidi hailed the Persian Gulf Star Oil Refinery’s “strategic place” in ensuring the balance of energy in Iran and the region.

The gas condensates refined in the large plant are supplied by the South Pars offshore gas field, which is located in the territorial waters between Iran and Qatar in the Persian Gulf.