Israeli Forces Detain 25 Palestinians in West Bank Operation

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Israeli regime’s army conducted a roundup, detaining 25 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank on late Sunday, as reported by prisoners’ affairs groups.

Detentions occurred in various areas, including Jenin, Tulkarm, Qalqilya, Nablus, Ramallah, Jerusalem al-Quds, Al-Khalil (Hebron), and Jericho, according to a joint statement by the Commission of Detainees Affairs and the Palestinian Prisoners Society.

The statement reveals that since Oct. 7, the Israeli army has detained at least 6,195 Palestinians in the West Bank. Israeli forces have also killed at least 369 people in the West Bank, including 95 children, and conducted numerous arrests during raids.

Tensions have been running high across the West Bank since Israel launched a deadly military offensive against the Gaza Strip on Oct. 7. At least 25,295 people, mostly women and children, have been killed in the onslaught.