Iraqi Resistance Targets Six US Bases in Syria, Iraq in Solidarity with Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraqi resistance forces have launched attacks on six US-occupied military bases in Syria and neighboring Iraq in a show of solidarity with Palestinians and in retaliation for Washington’s support for Israel’s atrocities in Gaza.

The Sabereen News, affiliated with the Iraqi anti-terror Popular Mobilization Units, reported that the al-Tanf base in southeastern Syria, near the Jordan-Iraq border, was targeted by armed unmanned aerial vehicles.

An explosive-laden drone struck the US-run facility in al-Shaddadi town, located about 50 kilometers south of Syria's northeastern city of Hasakah on Sunday morning. There is currently no information about the extent of damage or potential casualties at the attacked sites.

Earlier, combat drones targeted US-occupied bases in Khirbat ‘Adnan village in Hasakah province and the Rukban district in southeastern Syria near the Jordanian border. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq, an umbrella group of anti-terror fighters, claimed responsibility for the drone strike on the US-run Ain al-Asad Air Base in Iraq's western Anbar province, according to a statement published on its Telegram channel.

In a separate statement, the group announced a rocket salvo hitting a military base housing US occupation forces at Conoco gas field in Syria's eastern Deir ez-Zur province. The Islamic Resistance in Iraq stated that these operations are in condemnation of the presence of American occupation forces in Iraq and the broader West Asia region, serving as retaliation for Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip.

Amid escalating anti-US sentiments in the region over Washington's support for Israel's war on Gaza, Iraqi resistance forces have conducted numerous strikes on US-run military installations in both Iraq and Syria.

Meanwhile, Iraq’s anti-terror resistance groups have launched a drone attack on a strategic naval facility in the Israeli-occupied territories in retaliation for the regime’s months-long genocidal war on Palestinians in the besieged Gaza Strip.

The Islamic Resistance in Iraq was cited by the resistance-affiliated Sabereen News as saying that the strike targeted Zevulun naval facility near the port city of Haifa on Sunday

There were no reports on the extent of damage and number of possible casualties.

Lebanon's Arabic-language al-Mayadeen television news network confirmed the drone strike on Zevulun and said the attack was in support of the steadfast Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The resistance stems from Israel's hostilities in Gaza, initiated following a historic operation by the Gaza-based Hamas resistance group against the occupying entity.

Despite the campaign lasting more than 110 days, the Israeli regime has achieved no objectives but has resulted in the deaths of more than 26,200 people in Gaza, with around 70 percent being women and children. An additional 64,487 individuals have been wounded.

The United States, providing Israel with weapons and intelligence support, has also obstructed UN resolutions calling for a humanitarian ceasefire in the Palestinian territory.