Iran Urges Sweden to Honor Vienna Convention after Embassy Attack

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The foreign minister of Iran called on the Swedish government to observe the Vienna Convention and protect the safety of diplomats after an attack on an employee of the Iranian embassy in Stockholm.

Following an illegal gathering of a number of dissidents outside Iran’s embassy in Stockholm and the ensuing assault on one of the embassy staff members, Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian held a telephone conversation with Iran’s temporary charge d'affaires in Sweden, Mohammad Ahmadi, on Saturday.

“As soon as the illegal move took place, the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed its strong protest to the Swedish side both in Tehran and Stockholm while highlighting the need to identify the perpetrators and bring them to justice,” Ahmadi said, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

“In their meetings and phone contacts… the Swedish authorities offered apologies while emphasizing Sweden’s commitment to ensuring and providing the security of the embassy and its personnel under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations,” he added.

“In this connection, and in cooperation with the Swedish Police, five of the assailants were arrested. The issue will remain under investigation until perpetrators behind the attack are convicted,” Ahmadi told the foreign minister.

During the telephone conversation, the Iranian foreign minister also talked to the assaulted embassy staffer and wished him a rapid recovery.

Amirabdollahian further underscored the need for the Swedish government to comply with its commitments under the Vienna Convention.